On-Chain Updates Week 1: Dashboard Development & TradingView Partner Explained

9 min readJul 3, 2023


On-Chain Updates is a weekly series hosted by our Chief Marketing Officer, Tokenicer. He will be bringing the community updates on our teams development from different rotating department every week.

Week 1

Welcome to our first edition of On-Chain Updates! For the first community update I sat down & discussed with our Chief Technology Officer Joshua Milbers, the one building out our vision to unleash the data. We got an in-depth update on the technical departments progress.

We covered bringing a wide array of topics, ranging from what they’ve been working on lately, how they’ve been coordinating at building & our community focused company culture into the application through features such as our voting mechanism.

Overall the team seems to be hard at work with bringing the vision to life, starting with the dashboard & layout!


Tokenicer: “What’s up Jo? How are you doing?”

Joshua: “What’s up? What’s up? Doing great. How about you?”

Tokenicer: “I’ve been doing good. I was pushing out some ChainStats, marketing content this morning and, now we’re getting a technical update!”

Joshua: “Yeah, it’s been crazy. Every time I open Twitter, I see like five more threats and three medium articles and everything is flooded.”

Tokenicer: “I gotta fill in the role as CMO you know? But anyways, hows the technical end?”

Joshua: “Technical is nice. Started now working on the actual dashboard, hammering a lot of things on the UI/UX side of things.

Small sneak peeks are coming of course, for people to see what they can expect. But yeah, it’s been going really well. It’s really setting a good foundation for the whole overall software.

Of course we have design and everything ready, but at the same time, We want the dashboard to be the main part that.

It’s kind of like the fundamental for everything else. So as soon as that is completely figured out, and of course also front end coded, then a lot of stuff that is being worked on, on the backend will make a lot of more sense because of course we will see where to adapt and where to plug everything.

So, yeah. Super excited to, to finalize and finish that part as kind of the fundamental for everything, because I think now we have kind of like these three main products being the Node Portal, the explorer and then of course application itself. So I think, having that as kind of like the main focus now, the dashboard and then following with the charts and then later with the explorer with the Node Portal.

So thats kind of the the stage where we are at. And I’m super excited to finish and hammer those in. And of course we wanna show it as fast as possible also to the community.”

Tokenicer: “Yeah. That that was a nice little wrap up of everything you guys are doing and I just want to elaborate a little more on kind of how important the technical department is to us, because of course a lot of the vision came from all three of us.

You know, the countless hours of you, me, Brian, just sitting down, hammering away the vision and how we’re gonna build this out. And it’s like we can have the vision and everything there. It can be the best vision in all of this blockchain space, but at the end of the day, we need the developers to actually, you know, be there to work their magic, and that’s exactly what you’re here for!”

Joshua: “Exactly. At the end of the day, visions are nice and cool, and of course, um, the vision should be the biggest thing. At the same time, it’s a curse, and a blessing. It’s all about execution. So even if you have 500 people having the same idea at the end of the day, the one with best execution finishes who it first wins the race.

I think for us that just means for example we had, the first kind of thing that we publicly, launched was of course the ChainGuardians and the whole Web3 participation with the smart contract development and deployment. And I think. That kind of just showed how we’re trying to do things like keep it very simple and very focused on execution.

Because as you said, at the end of the day, everything has to be coded and everything has to be hammered in. And if. You’re not executing at the right level, then the vision can be insanely high.

We could have had a huge vision how the chain guardians will change the world and, and world hunger, but if we would’ve never deployed them, then all of that would’ve been, nothing but smoke in the air. So yeah I’m really looking forward and that’s why I’m mentioning also again, to kind of like keep that level of execution always at the highest level.

To kind of block out everything, focus on the main thing. What is the most important part, kind of like the Apple approach, which I think I mentioned also before is, is really something that we’re trying to do here with chance sets, and especially also in the development department because that’s, I think where most companies kind of lose their way and either burn too much of a budget or walk in the wrong direction.

So we’re really trying to keep it very product based. Starting things and finishing things, because as you said, execution is everything.”

Tokenicer: “Yeah. That, that was perfectly said. Like anyone can talk the talk, but how many people can actually walk the walk.”

Joshua: “Exactly. So like it also depends where the goals are set, and I’m not trying to say like other goals are smaller, but we’re really focused on finishing things and executing really.

Because if you don’t aim for finished products, you will never finish your product.”

Tokenicer: “Right, exactly. So, I really like how you touched on execution and actually making things happen and on the end of making things happen and part of that is, you know, expanding your network and seeing how you can leverage your personal connections to build out the product, uh, as best as you can.

And with that, of course, I’m gonna transition into our collaboration with TradingView. You had the most work and discussion with them and you’ve obviously seen the announcement and how excited the community is on this collaboration.

So I figured that would be the perfect time for you to kind of. Break it down in more detail and just explain to us what this partnership means to us, but also, uh, how this can help us get to our goal of unleashing the data.”

*Joshua cheers excitedly*

Joshua: “Yeah, for sure. There’s a, there’s a bunch of things I want to talk about.

So obviously I don’t have to give too much of an introduction to TradingView. It’s basically the #1 charting tool in the world right now. I don’t even know what competition there is to it. So like, I think that just shows how, how good they are and who we’re working with. It was it was one of the first things before we even started the whole thing.

I think it was back in October, was the first reach out because I knew, like we had to get them involved. So I reached out to them before we even had like, some sort of MVP idea or anything. It was actually pretty cool because there was a German guy working who was responsible for the Europe region.

So yeah, we, we just got on a call very quickly, and kind of talked about how the vision is going and then I kept updating them over the weeks on. What we’re actually building, because of course the vision also aligned a little bit as it got clearer. And then at some point, um, we got the paperwork done, um, that we’re allowed to use their charting and everything, their technology, we got access to the API and everything. And basically now it’s all about just integrating it.

So get support where you need the support, because if you’re trying to solve everything by yourself, it won’t just work or it will just also be, again, a necessary, an unnecessary waste of your own resources. So focus on the main part and yeah, thats about the jist of our partnership with TradingView.

We’ve been starting to play around with, with our tools and everything and yeah, there was also maybe just a little bit of a background. There’s a bunch of different ways on how to integrate them.

But who knows if we want to build something around it in the future, adding a new tool, I don’t know, maybe the community votes on a thing that they want to add, and then we’ll have to figure out, how we build it into our ecosystem.

Like we don’t want to just put a outline there and call it a day. We want to have it in our colours, in our style, customizable to all the extents that we want, and of course, also grow with the product and ecosystem. And I think that’s also something that we keep repeating, but I think it’s also part of the company culture is that we never wanna outgrow our own ecosystem. So even if we go into collaborations or partnerships, the first thing is also, okay, how far can you take us at the current stage? Or how far could we go in the future? And then I think we’re also always trying to put us on the biggest stage as possible just to not limit ourselves from the beginning.”

Tokenicer: “For sure. Yeah. You gotta always, you if you’re gonna shoot, shoot for the stars. Right?”

Joshua: “Exactly. Yeah.”

Tokenicer: “But anyways, Jo, you did a great job at summarizing what you guys have been doing in the technical department lately and breaking down the ChainStats and TradingView partnership further.

I’m sure the community’s gonna be even more excited hearing the specifics in how that’s gonna work. And you talking about the potential customization ability that we have and potentially integrating tools that the community can vote on and eventually, as our ecosystem grows with time, I’m sure you know, we’ll see tons of new ideas that we can’t even think of right now come into fruition. That’s got me excited now!”

Joshua: “Exactly yeah, we’re still focusing on execution and getting product ready at the moment, but thats definitely the goal. And the space is moving at crazy speeds. So who, who knows what’s possible in the world of tomorrow?”

Tokenicer: “A day in crypto is a week in real life.”

Joshua: “Exactly. Sometimes a month.”

Tokenicer: “But with all that said, um, what’s one thing you wanna leave our community off with as a final thought or just, uh, something for them to look out for in the near future?”

Joshua: “Yeah, I think, I think what we’re super excited about is, um, we’ve been talking about kind of like the application, what is it about, and now we’ve kept hinting, okay, there will be a dashboard, there will be charts, it will have to do something with on-chain data, there’s the Node Portal, there’s an explorer also coming to show the data that is coming from the Node Portal. But I think what I can kind of hint, and I think we have this kind of like goal, at least for the next couple of weeks, that we can finally parts of the actual dashboard, how it would look, how it would feel, for the user. I don’t want to give like a real date because then we have to push to that. But I think that’s a hint that we can give because I can’t wait to show it to people and also get maybe first feedback on it.”

Tokenicer: “Love it. So there you guys have it. Be on the lookout for some sneak peeks coming soon.

And stay tuned for more, uh, news about the ChainStats ecosystem. That’s about all we’ve got for you guys today.”

About ChainStats

ChainStats is an on-chain data ecosystem built for analytics, data aggregation and multi-chain consensus in blockchain data to enable utilization of on-chain data for industry purposes, ranging from analysis to leveraging the validated data through third party applications. Founded in 2022 by Brian Jun and Joshua Milbers in Delaware, US.

They are one of the early pioneers in building a platform to allow enterprise purposed on-chain data to enhance and build new business workflows through decentralized multi-DLT validation. For more information, visit the company website.




ChainStats is an on-chain data application built for Web3 & industry purposed blockchain innovations